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Socialism: Medicare, Firefighters, Post Office etc These knuckle draggers count on the electorate to be healthcare public policy cave dwelling idiots.
Success always occurs in private and failure in full public view.
Socialism: Medicare, Firefighters, Post Office etc These knuckle draggers count on the electorate to be healthcare public policy cave dwelling idiots.
March 5, 2009 3:27 pm Link plan to read and investigate as much as possible before make any comment for or against any particular plan. This time, Obama said, Each of us must accept that none of us will get everything we want, and no proposal for reform will be perfect. Not that holding my breath that anything other health insurance and blue shield than status quo is okay.
It coming from mayors, governors and legislatures Democrats and Republicans who are racing ahead of Washington to pass bold health care initiatives on their own. The groups submitted reports to the President health care team listing their concerns about the system and their suggestions for reform. You seeing these huge sell-offs and very high volumes that weren there health information about chihuahuas before -- and this is happening in sector that supposed to be defensive. Alarmists wonder whether spending 25 percent would be tenable.
While he might have vision, the opposition will unite and make sure that all that passes is what they want to pass. The wrap up session: President Obama entered the room with Senator Edward. By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar In one of four sessions in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Sen. Obama TelePrompterObama doesn go anywhere without his note-reading device. Urge the president to put the cardinal health 110 inc healthcare reform issue aside for the moment and take really, really close look at the massive collapse of the equity markets.